At the Homeshow of the Midsouth, we met a number of families and individuals interested in the services we offer. Several subsequently contracted with Greyhaven to design a home or remodel, one of which we’re excited to share with you now.

Meet the “M” Family
A young family had recently bought a lovely property in Fayette County with a lot of room for them and their children. Grandparents from both sides of the family wanted to move in from out of state so that they could live next door to their grandkids and see them grow up. The property had plenty of room for another house, but they found that while there are many nice plans on the internet, none seemed to fit their general scenario or specific needs. They needed a custom plan that fit just right, so they made an appointment with Greyhaven.
Meeting the land and the families
At our first meeting, we looked at the planned site and then sat down at the breakfast table to talk about the personalities and lives of the future homeowners, bringing in those still out of state via video conferencing. We began a process of determining the rough number and size of spaces needed to suit their lives, helping them bring their dreams into focus.

At our second meeting, we walked through a number of projects Greyhaven has had a hand in designing and/or building, showing applications of the ideas we promote. At the sit-down portion of the meeting, we presented a mockup of a layout that we had devised from the notes from our previous meeting. The conversation became intense as we began discussing how to fit the home to their needs. The family decided then and there that they wanted to work with us to design their new home. We ended that meeting with a signed contract and a deposit.
The work of designing a home

Starting with the site
The family wholeheartedly embraced Greyhaven’s love of natural light, so we were a good fit from the start. The site was an easy one, giving us a pleasant view of the pond and an ideal solar orientation all in one fell swoop. The only thing left to be done was to favor the right rooms with this embarrassment of riches on the layout.

Giving respect to the two primary orientations toward the sun and pond (south) and grandchildren (west), the presence of two distinct households under one roof, and the most direct and unobtrusive route for a driveway that would not mess up valuable human space, we began to advocate for an L shaped layout hinging on a shared garage, tied together by a shared porch.

Fitting the family
The design process involves a lot of give and take. The first mockup we delivered illustrated our principles of designing with light and the site, natural circulation between rooms, and universal design with the list of spaces they wanted, etc. All that said, the first draft didn’t feel right to the customer, so it had to change. A lot.
Some might think that only technical or artistic factors matter to a home designer, but that ignores the centrality of the life lived within the home. That must be served by all else.
The shape of Home for the M family
Both sides of the house will have a crafter and so they each feature a room for their use. Another family member regularly practices his musical skills, so a sound-proofed study was added to give him freedom to do so while respecting others’ peace of mind. Near the heart of the home, a space was made for a beloved grandchild’s tutoring.

“Forever Home” with Universal Design
The family is clear-eyed about life and its ups and downs, having cared for the previous generation through the difficulties of old age. It was important for them for the house to accommodate them through the same, when their time came, so they urged a consistent application of universal design principles throughout. See our page on universal design to learn more.

Connected with Nature
This family loves their connection with nature and their home shows it in details like abundant openings for light and views from all sides and a long porch for enjoying good weather. Not only are the pond and grandchildren eagerly anticipated, but also the likely sight of deer in the woods and meadow to the north and gardens of various sorts that the family will plant all around.

As said before, the family wanted the house to be daylit as much as possible by the sun and sky. This was accomplished by keeping closets and furniture toward the interior as much as possible, reserving the exterior walls for windows. The need to allow deep light penetration of long interior great rooms gave the home its overall architectural form with beautiful vaulted ceilings and clerestory windows.

We can’t wait to finalize the design and then see the home built! It has been a pleasure helping the “M” family accomplish their goals and move toward their dreams. Could Greyhaven also help your family do the same? Contact us today!